Sunday, November 6, 2016

An excerpt

I have been working, ever so slowly, on my NaNoWriMo novel. I thought I would share a little bit that you can't see anywhere else. So here you go:

"Humans are not unique in that they breed men who wish to rule above others and use cruelty to do so. Nor are they unique in that they breed those who wish to rule without cruelty. They are not even unique in that there are those who wish to not be ruled at all. They instead are unique in that they breed all three at once and that all three will fight to defend their right to do as they wish. To the last man they believe they are right, that "other" is wrong and that death is worthy if fought in this cause.

This book is going to be an "outsiders" view on humanity. As we become closer and closer to actual manned space exploration and possible colonizing of planets, I thought it would be interesting to conjecture what other beings would think about us and what we might bring to the table.

It is basically one large thought experiment. If I weren't human, how would I see humanity? I know it's been done from a lot of different angles, but this is different (I hope). If you have ever seen those "meet the breed" books out there that is what this is supposed to be like. A series of facts/conjecture/some mistakes about man and how well they may play with others.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

It's been a year...

I haven't written a blog since we moved, and I have now done some self-publishing and's time.

We live in Tucson now. I am living a lifelong dream. I have always adored the Southwest. Now I am here and I love it even more. I haven't been able to do a whole lot yet, but I will...oh I will. I am now going to acupuncture regularly (community acupuncture, it's a thing and it is awesome!-there is probably one near you!) it is helping with migraines and pain and so much more. I am about to start baking again. I am getting ready to start NaNoWriMo again. I am going through years of photographs to get together for publication and I have found a self-publication venue that works for me.

Things I want to do: 1. Get a new camera and all of the gear-I had to sell my old DSLR when we hit hard financial times, as we are getting better financially I am looking forward to purchasing a new one, 2. Getting equipment and supplies for a paint studio, 3. create a website to sell my things on, 4. find a place to get prints done of my artwork so I can sell them on that website, oh and 5. finish that quilt...oh yeah, oh yeah!

So, to do those things (the first two, the last one is all about motivation) I have done a few things:

  1. Live for sale on Amazon:
  2. Life Cycles for sale on Amazon:
  3. Amazon wishlist if you are feeling especially kind:
  4. Dick Blick wishlist for same reason:
  5. Want something for your money and don't want to go through Amazon? Go to Patreon!

I will be updating I am sure...after all NaNo is around the corner and I'm going to be writing the "Encyclopedia of Man."