Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Panic-NaNoWriMo Day 1

It all began innocently enough, I guess. I had my outline and even an excellent beginning plotted out. I had my outline. I was ready. I hit my daily goal early in the day. So what could the problem be?

Yeah I was already at the fifth section of my outline and had just barely hit my goal. Panic much? I had known as plotted the beginning would be thin. I just hadn't known how thin. Editing is verboten during NaNoWriMo but padding is not. I am already planning the padding. Heck, I am already padding. When I run dry on ideas I will go back to that thin beginning and start with the padding. Sometimes padding is good. Here is hoping it will be for me.

If you are looking for me on NaNoWriMo look for FluffyFox. I will be your buddy and your cheerleader!

Day 1 is in the books. Day 2 has begun! 3,000 of 50,000 words have been written. Strap in boys...here we go!

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