Have you ever started on a project and then put it away for whatever reason and forgotten about it? I think any crafter has. Mine is "the quilt." About 10 years ago I started working on a crazy quilt for my mother. I worked on it consistently for about 6 months, especially on the weekends while I was at dog shows. Then it got so big it was dragging on the floor at the dog shows and picking up a lot of hair, so I stopped taking it to the shows. My leisure activities starting involving my hands not just my eyes or ears, so I put it away. I have moved at least 3 times since that initial put away and I have moved the quilt, in it's bag, with me each time, with the best of intentions to start on it again "once I got settled."
I found it again a couple of weeks ago. I worked on it a little more and am going to use this space to keep you updated on it's progress, thus making myself accountable to keep working on it. There is still a lot to do and I am not sure how I am going to finish it off at this time; but I want the feeling of accomplishment when I finally finish this.
The Quilt |
Why is this going to take a while? Because, I have been hand sewing it. I do not actually know how to sew using a sewing machine. I am going to finish this topper with hand sewing and then machine sew the batting and backing together and hand quilt this to that "pillow." That's a lot of time and some money away however. For now I need to get this topper to king sized. I have about 5" around left to sew on.
I am hoping this is something I can work on when I am bed ridden. The biggest problem is going to be when I am having ocular aspects of my migraines. Losing sight in one eye is not conducive to sewing without hurting myself.
I will post monthly updates on the quilt until it is finished, so you can watch it grow and to guarantee I actually work on it!
Love what I am doing and want to see more? I am now on
Patreon. Personal appearance this weekend in the
Shadoe Stones booth, at the
Indy Pagan Pride Day.
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