Monday, September 21, 2015

Inspiration-Painting edition

Inspiration is an ethereal thing.  You either have it or you don't.  If you have it and you try to grasp it, it seems to slip right through your fingers. Thomas Edison said:  "Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration."  Ignoring his raping of Nikola Tesla's ideas for that 1%; you have to consider how hard  it is to come by, even with all out perspiration. We have to consider when we are creative how to maintain the 1 % long enough to make the 99% worth it!

The mighty Crimson has discovered a great way to keep track of the inspiration so you can put in the perspiration later.  I want to share that with you as, if you are reading this you, Evernote is quite simply the best way to track all of the things!

Side note:  I am giving all of you these links, NOT because I am trying to get attention of these companies, but because I want to share the information with you.  Trust me if I wanted the companies to notice me they would...consider how you found this post after all.

Back to inspiration. When you want to be inspired what do you do?  Some people go for walks, some close themselves in.  I am an out and abouter personally.  I get my ideas from life.  That, actually, is one of the reasons it has been so long since I created.  I have been so ill, that I haven't had a life.  Now, I am starting to make my life out of what I am creating. I am truly creating to live.  It is somewhere between freeing and terrifying.

For paintings I am more inspired by how something makes me feel.  Angry/happy/sad whatever.  I don't paint things, I paint emotion.  I often state that I don't like most modern art and yet what I paint is modern art. Who ever said I had to be consistent.  There are days when I stare at a blank canvas with no way of knowing what I want and there are days when I am dying because I don't have a canvas to spill the excess emotion onto.  My paintings are truly the only things I create that I don't ever intend to sell.  Not that I won't sell; but that are not created with sales as the intention. I want to publish my novel, photographs and poetry some day.  My paintings?  It certainly wouldn't make me feel bad, but the painting itself is the thing not the money at the end of the day.  I have spilled my emotions out onto canvas and I feel better because of it.  When I write, I am compelled to write specific words or stories.  Certain land or water scapes make my hands itch for a camera.  I feel those things and I know they are as true a form of expression as the paintings, but I do not feel the same way when I see a photo, a poem or a chapter as I do when I finish the painting. The relief of getting it out is almost as overwhelming as the realization that I made mad/sad/joy into a visible thing.

                                                         -Black Eye, Dawn M. Cowan

Who you are, what you do, how you do it.  Are those things art?  YES!  If you put emotion into it.  If you love it, hate it, whatever; when you are inspired you make art.  Some days I am a couch potato with no inspiration and some days (like yesterday) I write a blog post, figure out something huge for my game system and finish two paintings, start 3 more and go to bed wondering what I am going to do to top it.  The answer is, simply, wake up and live again.

Love what I am doing and want to see more?  I am now on Patreon.  Personal appearance this weekend in the Shadoe Stones booth, at the Indy Pagan Pride Day.

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