Tuesday, October 13, 2015

What DO You do With a Five Gallon Bucket of Pine Cones?

My family is moving!  We are relocating to the great Southwest. Tucson to be precise.  We don't know when yet, but Sar has the job and we are ready to go! Before we do though there is one craft project that has been lurking in the craft cabinet for so long I don't even know when we collected them.  A five gallon bucket of pine cones.  I know that one of us probably said oh we can do something with them.  They are pretty and they smell good.  Then they sat, and sat...and well you get the idea.  We have been in this house for just over two years, I don't know how long this bucket has been sitting; I'm just hoping we didn't move them from Michigan!

So step one:  Waxing nostalgic...if there is one thing that I am never short of it is candles...right up until I need/want them for a project.  I did manage to find four.  They were even in Lilac my favorite scent.  I melted the candles (5 minutes in a microwave safe bowl for four votives) and rolled the pine cones in the wax.  I then poured the left over wax over the nine cones I had managed to coat.

Result?  My house smells amazing right now. Light purple is not darker then brown and thus the cones just look a little shiny.

I haven't tried burning them yet, but I have been told that they will make great fire starters...and they will smell great too!  That's all I am going to have for this week due to time constraints.  Hopefully we will have much more next week.

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