Monday, October 19, 2015

Sometimes it Hurts

Too Soon

The Mother cries
For the life She had to take
For the hearts She had to break
Not because it was his time
Not because it was our time
But because it was Her time
So gently She weeps
As the tears roll down our cheeks.

Blood Tells

I am not a mother
Yet I am their Mom, their grandma and
I was his Great Grandmother
We only met twice,
Yet he was my baby
Blood is not the only connection
Family is of the soul
He will be missed
Another piece of my heart  taken early


My heart hurts.
My stomach turns.
My tears fall.
I miss you.
You were my rock.
You were our shelter.
You are Dad…
And you are gone.
I remember
And I weep
I ache
And I burn.
I know you walk beside me.
I wish I could feel your hug.
You would love him too.
It’s what makes me so very sad.
Tomorrow is forever
Today will go away
The past is a fading memory.
Stay in my heart
Know my dreams
See my joys
Feel my sorrows.
Kiss my hurts
Heal my wounds
Patch the scrapes
I miss you
I love you
I need you

Poetry comes from a place deep inside me. Sometimes it hurts.  I cry while I write, but I still get it out.  Why?  Because sometimes it is supposed to hurt.  You don't get away with living life without pain. Sometimes life hurts.  There is nothing wrong with that. It is the way it is supposed to be. Sorrow is how we heal.  Let your life be a life.

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